BOM DIA! Exclusive interview with Diego Triplab
“I like to capture spontaneity and intimacy, I don’t think much about a story in which to develop a concept, I like fluidity” Diego Triplab
learning from experience
“I like to capture spontaneity and intimacy, I don’t think much about a story in which to develop a concept, I like fluidity” Diego Triplab
Danish raised, Hong Kong-based Photographer Nicoline Aagesenis a sucker for imperfections. A self-confessed adventure junkie with an addiction to travel, Nicoline has pushed the boundaries of Hong Kong’s underground fashion photography scene since 2013.
We are obsessed with this new photography submission from the young and upcoming talent Edgar Daniel hailing from Mexico.
Kenneth Tini’s captures Gala Martinez at the Hotel Grand Amour in Paris. Come check out what happened, but pls knock on the door!
Photographer Diego Triplab’s infectious energy bursts forth in this exclusive editorial, a playful session brimming with laughter and a touch of friendly competition. The stars of
Exclusive submission by Artizians artist Sergio del Amo on 35mm film. Bali Dreaming
The charming streets of Seoul played host to a captivating photoshoot, highlighting the beauty and character of the city’s hidden gems.
Une plongée dans un univers subtil, déstructuré parfois même provocant. Un mélange d’euphorie et d’aliénation, dénonce l’idéalisation de la beauté de manière engagée. Une certaine mélancolie à travers le regard faisant de ces expressions un cri de sincérité.”
Danish raised, Hong Kong-based Photographer Nicoline Aagesenis a sucker for imperfections. A self-confessed adventure junkie with an addiction to travel, Nicoline has pushed the boundaries of Hong Kong’s underground fashion photography scene since 2013.
Christian is a documentary and fashion photographer hailing from Barcelona possessing a certain nonchalance and carefree spirit, which is reflected in his non-intrusive imagery.